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Month: March 2025

This matters—Even if you bombed physics

Today, we’re getting a little scientific—but trust me, this is about YOU. Stick with me till the end.

Back in the early 1800s, scientist Thomas Young wanted to figure out whether 💡 behaves like tiny particles (as Newton believed) or 🌊.

So, he set up a simple experiment:
🔹 He shined light through a barrier with two small slits.
🔹 Behind it, a screen captured where the light landed.

What should’ve happened? Two bright lines—if light was made of tiny particles.
But that’s NOT what happened.

What happened was that💡 was behaving like a 🌊.

Then, scientists tried this with electrons—tiny particles that make up everything around us.

🔹 When no one was watching, electrons acted like waves.
🔹 When observed, they behaved like ⚫ solid particles.

👀 Just watching them changed their behavior.

And that, dear Cosmopolitan Mystic, is the Observer Effect.


Why does this matter?

Because if reality shifts when it’s being observed… What does that say about YOUR focus?

Most of us move through life reacting, not realizing we shape what we see.

So, ask yourself:

🔹 What am I observing in my life?
🔹 Where is my focus?
🔹 What reality am I creating?

Because in the end, reality isn’t something you experience—it’s something you create through your perception.

Now, drumroll, please… 🥁

What will you do with this information?

Give yourself the answer right now.

To the only truth that matters,
Sorina Phoenix


Hoy nos pondremos un poco científicos, pero créeme, esto trata sobre TI. Quédate hasta el final.

A principios de 1800, el científico Thomas Young quería descubrir si la luz se comportaba como diminutas partículas (como creía Newton) o como ondas.

Así que hizo un experimento simple:
🔹 Proyectó luz a través de una barrera con dos pequeñas ranuras.
🔹 Detrás, colocó una pantalla para capturar dónde aterrizaba la luz.

¿Qué debería haber pasado?

Si la luz estuviera hecha de partículas, se habrían formado dos líneas brillantes en la pantalla.

Pero eso NO fue lo que pasó.
Lo que paso fue que la 💡 se estaba comportando como una 🌊.

Luego, los científicos repitieron el experimento con electrones—las diminutas partículas que componen todo lo que nos rodea.

🔹 Cuando nadie los observaba, los electrones actuaban como 🌊 ondas.
🔹 Cuando eran observados, se comportaban como ⚫ partículas sólidas.

👀 Solo el hecho de observarlos cambió su comportamiento.

Y eso, querida Cosmopolitan Mystic, es el Efecto Observador.


Por qué importa esto?


Si la realidad cambia cuando es observada… qué dice eso sobre TU enfoque?

La mayoría de las personas viven reaccionando sin darse cuenta de que moldean lo que ven.

Así que pregúntate:

🔹 Qué estoy observando en mi vida?
🔹 Dónde está mi enfoque?
🔹 Qué realidad estoy creando?

Porque al final, la realidad no es algo que experimentas—es algo que creas a través de tu percepción.

Ahora, redoble de tambores, por favor… 🥁

Qué harás con esta información?

Date la respuesta ahora mismo.

P.D. Lo sigo diciendo: la energía es lo único que nunca se nos acaba.

A la única verdad que importa,
Sorina Phoenix

Being Judas – The toughest job in the world

I hate politics.

And what I hate even more is thinking about politics.

But these last two days, life taught me a lesson.

We all contribute to peace.

Peace is watching Zelensky’s interview with Trump at the White House and, instead of saying yes to fear, choosing to create peace.

Peace is thinking about Putin and seeing him as a helpless baby, crying 👼🏻. And sending him love and compassion, too.

Peace is sending love to both Palestine and Israel.

I once heard something that shook me to the core:

“The toughest job in the world is being Judas, because he knows he’s a necessary evil…and yet he must live with it and fulfill his mission until the end.”



There are always cycles of death and rebirth, this is how the world works.

But it’s important to understand that there’s a Judas in each of us.

We’ve all betrayed someone. Or worse: betrayed ourselves.

We can’t change the world.

But we can change our world.

By not choosing fear, but choosing peace instead.
By not feeling powerless, but powerful.

We’ll never run out of E N E R G Y—this is our greatest gift.

And we can direct that energy toward something higher.

So next time you’re watching the news, instead of freaking outalchemize that energy into peace and send it to those who need it most.

Energy work is powerful because it never goes to waste. It keeps building, layering, and amplifying with every practice.

To making the most of your energy,



Sorina Phoenix

P.S. I wanted to share one of my favorite Tarot cards—Death & Rebirth. To me, it’s the most accurate definition of human nature. We always rise from the ashes ∞