Put your demons to bed – My (partially) haunted house

“What’s that noise?” my dad asked, stepping out of his room.

“Maybe it’s the noise I’ve been telling you about,” I replied, coming out of mine.

A few days ago, I finally confessed a secret I’d kept for two years:

My house is partially haunted.

I know, I know—partially? That’s not a thing.

But let me explain.

👻 At night, you can hear noises —like footsteps or someone climbing stairs—coming from above us.

Except there’s no “above us.”

There’s just the roof.

Why do I say my house is partially haunted? Because it’s just noise. No flying objects, no spooky shadows. Just noise.

And after a while, I got used to it.

Even when I’d wake up at 2 a.m. to pee, hear footsteps, and think, “here we go again…”

I never told anyone because, honestly, you have to experience to believe it.

But today, I finally had proof that someone else was hearing the noise. 😈

Except this time, it was coming from downstairs.

So we both headed downstairs to solve this mystery noise.

What did we find?

My brother. Washing dishes. Banging them like a rock concert. 😂

Turns out my haunting theory might be wrong. Or maybe just partially wrong.

But anyway, this isn’t really about ghosts.

It’s about the truth.

There’s no such thing as being partially honest, just like a house can’t be partially haunted.

So how do we know what’s true?


When something’s on my mind, I love using Byron Katie’s framework:

  1. Is it true?

  2. Can you absolutely know it’s true?

  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?

  4. Who would you be without that thought?

These 4 questions are very powerful.

They help me put my demons to bed—whether they’re noisy ghosts or loud doubts in my head.

You probably know that mental demons are louder than any ghost could ever be:

“I’m not good enough…”
“I’m failing…”
“I’m a fraud…”
“People don’t like me…”

By answering these questions, you can let go of these thoughts.

And the noises—both real and imagined—will quiet down.

To your peace of mind,
Sorina Phoenix



“Qué es ese ruido?” preguntó mi papá, saliendo de su habitación.

“Tal vez es el ruido del que te he hablado,” respondí, saliendo de la mía.

Hace unos días, finalmente confesé un secreto que había guardado por dos años:

Mi casa está parcialmente embrujada.

Lo sé, lo sé… ¿Parcialmente? Eso no existe.

Pero déjame explicarte.

👻 Por la noche, se escuchan ruidos —como pasos o alguien subiendo las escaleras— provenientes de arriba de nosotros.

Excepto que no hay un “arriba”.

Solo está el techo.

Por qué digo que mi casa está parcialmente embrujada? Porque solo son ruidos. No hay objetos volando, ni sombras espeluznantes. Solo ruido.

Y con el tiempo, me acostumbré. Incluso cuando me despertaba a las 2 de la mañana para ir al baño, escuchaba los pasos y pensaba: “ahí vamos otra vez.”

Nunca se lo conté a nadie porque, honestamente, tienes que vivirlo para creerlo.

Pero hoy, finalmente tuve pruebas de que alguien más escuchaba el ruido. 😈

Solo que esta vez venía de abajo.

Así que ambos bajamos para resolver este misterio.

Qué encontramos?

A mi hermano. Lavando los platos. Golpeándolos como si fuera un concierto de rock. 😂

Resulta que mi teoría de la casa embrujada podría estar equivocada. O quizás solo parcialmente equivocada.

Pero bueno, esto no se trata realmente de fantasmas.

Se trata de la verdad.

No existe tal cosa como ser parcialmente honesto, así como una casa no puede estar parcialmente embrujada.

Entonces, cómo sabemos qué es verdad?


Cuando algo me preocupa, me encanta usar el método de Byron Katie:

  1. Es verdad?

  2. Puedes saber con absoluta certeza que es verdad?

  3. Cómo reaccionas cuando crees ese pensamiento?

  4. Quién serías sin ese pensamiento?

Estas 4 preguntas son muy poderosas.

Me ayudan a mandar a mis demonios a dormir, ya sean fantasmas ruidosos o dudas fuertes en mi cabeza.

Probablemente sabes que esos demonios mentales son más ruidosos que cualquier fantasma:

“No soy lo suficientemente buena…”
“Estoy fallando…”
“Soy un fraude…”
“A la gente no le gusto…”

Al responder estas preguntas, puedes dejar ir esos pensamientos, y los ruidos —tanto reales como imaginarios— se calman.

Por tu tranquilidad mental,
Sorina Phoenix

You have until midnight, Cinderella – Attract abundance today

I’ve always been obsessed with magic. But for the longest time, it was like this secretive, “don’t-talk-about-it” thing. Total taboo.

After years of overthinking, I realized: I need a teacher.

And so, I ended up in a magic and witchcraft course.

And THANK GOD I did. Because not only did I learn a ton about magic (spoiler: it’s epic)… I learned a lot about myself.

But here’s the thing…

Magic? It’s actually WAY simpler than I thought.

It all boils down to two things:
Intention and Creativity.

Basically, magic is energy with a mission. It’s alchemy, baby. 🔮

And today is a BIG deal.

🌱 It’s the first of the month (hello, new beginnings!)

So, here’s your task:

Grab some cinnamon from your kitchen.

Put it in your hand. Go to your front door, stand outside, and blow that cinnamon toward your door. 💨

While you’re at it, invite abundance in—love, money, health.

You’ve got until midnight, Cinderella. Don’t miss this magical moment.


May all your wildest dreams (and your basic needs) be met,

Sorina Phoenix

Manifesting abundance? – You’re missing this.

“It’s not enough dad, it’s not enough!

What do you mean it’s not enough? I’m doing my part! I’m always thinking of what it would be like to win the lottery.”


My dad’s idea of manifesting is winning the lottery. And, kudos to him.

After all, it’s his projection. Anything is possible.

Every week, like clockwork:

  • He buys the ticket.

  • He checks if he’s won.

  • He hasn’t won (yet)

He’s got:

  1. The intention (he’s thinking about it frequently).

  2. The persistence (he’s in it every. single. week).

  3. The faith (he believes it’s coming).

Most self-help gurus would clap and say, “Bravo! That’s the formula: think + act!”

But here’s the missing link: emotion.

Because abundance isn’t just about thinking and acting.

🌱 Abundance is feeling abundant in all areas of your life. 

Abundance is generosity. 

Abundance is freedom.

Abundance is your identity.

Ultimately, money is an amplifier. 💡

It will only spot a light on the kind of person you truly are.

There are 2 questions you must ask yourself when it comes to manifesting abundance:

  1. Who do I need to become at my very core to own X amount of money?

  1. Do I feel WORTHY to have and spend that money?

Here’s what I want you to do:

Take less than 60 seconds to answer these questions.

Copy them into your notes app and write your answers—no overthinking, just raw truth.

🪞 It’s like holding a mirror inside your brain.

You will be surprised by what stares back.


To the type of honesty that moves mountains,

Sorina Phoenix


P.S. Oh, and by the way, I dyed my hair red. It’s a bold move, I know. It’s witchy, true, but after finishing a magic and witchcraft course, the inner witch in me was begging for it. I’m curious—what wild things have you been up to lately? Let me know!

How to find divine complicity – Even when life says, “not today”

Hi, Soul Alchemist,

So, picture this:

I’m wandering the streets of Rome with my brother when we stumble upon three Thai women in total distress.

Their car? Smashed. Their luggage? Stolen. Their English? Barely holding it together.

Do you speak Italian?
Can you call the police for us?
Sure thing.

I dialed, hoping for a solution, but the officer on the other end simply said they’d need to go to the station in person.

We couldn’t fix their car. Couldn’t recover their stuff.

But you know what we did? We held a space for them. We listened. We shared 20 minutes of connection.

And when we parted ways, they didn’t look defeated anymore.

“See you in Thailand someday!” they said, waving goodbye like we’d just wrapped up some epic movie scene.

That moment? That’s divine complicity.

A little slice of magic that lifts everyone involved.

Another day in Rome brought a different encounter.

I was on a busy street where tourists were trying to capture the perfect photo.

Two women, strangers to each other, gradually moved closer while snapping pictures until they accidentally bumped backs.😆

They turned, flustered, and began apologizing—only to lock eyes with each other and then with me.

In that moment, the three of us shared uncontrollable laughter.

A triangle of connection formed in total randomness, reminding me once again of how beautifully humanity can intersect.

But, you don’t have to wait for these moments. You can create them.

Start handing out invisible awards—cutest baby on the block, prettiest flower of the day, most adorable puppy.

Or go full-on Secret Santa mode and silently bless someone’s energy field as they pass by. (I teach this in my free course, The Cosmopolitan Mystic’s Way. Get it here, if you’re curious.)

Make the first move. Share a smile. A laugh. A spark.

Suddenly, the world feels a little lighter, a little brighter, and a lot more human.

Your faith in humanity? Instantly restored.

With love (and a wink),

Sorina Phoenix



Cómo encontrar complicidad divina
Incluso cuando la vida dice: “Hoy no”

Imagina esto: estoy caminando por las calles de Roma con mi hermano cuando nos encontramos con tres mujeres tailandesas en total angustia.

Su coche? Destrozado. Su equipaje? Robado. Su inglés? Apenas entendible.

—¿Hablas italiano?
—¿Puedes llamar a la policía por nosotras?
—Por supuesto.

Marqué, esperando una solución, pero el oficial al otro lado simplemente dijo que tendrían que ir personalmente a la comisaría.

No pudimos arreglar su coche. Tampoco recuperar sus cosas.

Pero, sabes qué hicimos? Les ofrecimos nuestra presencia. Las escuchamos. Compartimos 20 minutos de conexión.

Cuando nos despedimos, ya no parecían derrotadas.

“Nos vemos algún día en Tailandia!”, dijeron, como si acabáramos de terminar una escena épica de película.

Ese momento, para mí, es complicidad divina.

Un pequeño destello de magia que eleva a todos los involucrados.

Otro día en Roma trajo un encuentro diferente.

Estaba en una calle concurrida donde los turistas luchaban por encontrar el ángulo perfecto para sus fotos.

Dos mujeres, desconocidas entre sí, se acercaban poco a poco mientras tomaban fotos, hasta que accidentalmente chocaron de espaldas. 😆

Se giraron, nerviosas, y comenzaron a disculparse… hasta que cruzaron miradas entre ellas y luego conmigo.

En ese instante, las tres compartimos una risa incontrolable.

Un triángulo de conexión surgió de la nada, recordándome una vez más lo hermosa que puede ser la intersección de la humanidad.

Pero no tienes que esperar a que estos momentos ocurran. Puedes crearlos.

Empieza a repartir premios invisibles: el bebé más lindo de la calle, la flor más bonita del día, el cachorro más adorable.

O bendice silenciosamente el campo de energía de alguien mientras pasa junto a ti.

Da el primer paso. Comparte una sonrisa. Una risa. Una chispa.

De repente, el mundo se siente un poco más ligero, un poco más brillante y mucho más humano.

Tu fe en la humanidad? Restaurada al instante.

Con amor (y un guiño),
Sorina Phoenix

✈️ Takeoff power to fuel your dreams

Hi, Limitless Dreamer,

I just got back from Rome and was reminded of something I absolutely don’t love: spending hours stuck on a plane.

The only thing I do love about traveling? Actually being there, at the destination.

Just like you, I’d rather press a button and instantly find myself there.

But there’s one part of flying that gets me every time.

Just one.

And it’s that precise moment the airplane takes off.

I close my eyes, and I’m instantly in this powerful, electric state.

It’s almost like slipping into a trance—one that anyone can experience.

Because that’s potent energy to play with.

That rush, the pure momentum, that intensity as the plane takes off…

It can give you wings to fly.

But you’ve gotta act fast. You have just 10-20 seconds.

Here’s how to ride that energy to manifest what you want:

  1. Get intentional about your desire. Be crystal clear on it. (What do you truly want to achieve right now?)

When the wheels lift off…

  1. Close your eyes. Feel the electricity of your dream. Let it explode within you, filling every inch of your being.

  2. Feel that energy radiate out of you, filling the plane, surging out into the world. Let it spread wide across the sky.

I’ve been doing this for about three years, and trust me—it’s pure magic.

So next time you travel by plane…

You’re going to take off anyway,

So let your dreams take off with you! 🌟

To you manifesting on beast-mode,

Sorina Phoenix



Acabo de regresar de Roma y me di cuenta de algo que definitivamente no me gusta: pasar horas atrapada en un avión.

¿Lo único que  me gusta de viajar? Estar ahí, en el destino.

Al igual que tú, preferiría presionar un botón y aparecer ahí al instante.

Pero hay una parte de volar que me encanta cada vez.

Solo una.

Y es ese preciso momento en que el avión despega.

Cierro los ojos y, de inmediato, entro en un estado poderoso y eléctrico.

Es casi como entrar en trance… uno que cualquiera puede experimentar.

Porque esa es una energía potente con la que puedes jugar.

Esa fuerza, el puro impulso, esa intensidad al despegar…

Puede darte alas para volar.

Pero tienes que actuar rápido. Solo tienes entre 10 y 20 segundos.

Así puedes aprovechar esa energía para manifestar lo que deseas:

  1. Sé intencional con tu deseo. Sé muy claro al respecto. (¿Qué es lo que realmente quieres lograr ahora mismo?)


    Cuando las ruedas se levantan…

  2. Cierra los ojos. Siente la electricidad de tu sueño. Deja que explote dentro de ti, llenando cada rincón de tu ser.

  3. Siente esa energía irradiando desde ti, llenando el avión y extendiéndose hacia el mundo. Deja que se esparza ampliamente por el cielo.

He estado haciendo esto durante unos tres años, y créeme: es pura magia.

Así que la próxima vez que viajes en avión…

Vas a despegar de todos modos,

Así que deja que tus sueños despeguen contigo! 🌟

A tus manifestaciones imparables,

Sorina Phoenix

Rewrite Your Story in 5 Minutes – Change the unchangeable – tonight.

Hi Beautiful Mind,

We had our second huge fight since he moved to Tenerife, 3 years ago.

Right after I hung up the phone, I felt awful.

He’s my brother—and my best friend.

But more than being mad at him, I was mad at myself.

I’d lost control of my emotions and went all wild on him.

I didn’t know how to approach him after that ugly conversation.

And then I remembered the magic word: REVISION.

All I needed was 5 minutes.

That night, right before bed, as I lay there, I did it:

I replayed the conversation in my mind.

But this time, it was calm and respectful. No shouting, no hanging up. We talked like two people who appreciate each other. And I was proud of how I handled it.

Then, I deleted the actual event from my mind and replaced it with this ‘new one.’

I felt it deep in my heart. And then, I let it all go. For the first time that day, I felt at peace as I drifted to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a message from him: Hey, how are things going?

I knew that was his way of saying everything was fine.

Everything’s good, I replied, smiling from ear to ear.

It’s not just recent events you can change…

You can go back years and rewrite old stories that still sting.

Whether it’s a teacher who crushed your confidence, a parent who snapped and said something they didn’t mean, or someone who broke your heart…

REVISION is one of the most powerful tools we have.

Give it 5 minutes before bed. Convince your mind that’s how it really happened…

And then let your reality follow.

Do it tonight, and change the unchangeable.



Tuvimos nuestra segunda gran pelea desde que se mudó a Tenerife, hace 3 años.

Justo después de colgar el teléfono, me sentí fatal.

Es mi hermano—y también mi mejor amigo.

Pero, más que estar enfadada con él, estaba enfadada conmigo misma.

Perdí el control de mis emociones y me volví loca con él.

No sabía cómo acercarme a él después de esa conversación tan fea.

Y entonces recordé la palabra mágica: REVISIÓN.

Solo necesitaba 5 minutos.

Esa noche, justo antes de dormir, mientras estaba acostada, lo hice:

Repetí la conversación en mi mente.

Pero esta vez, estuve tranquila y respetuosa. Sin gritos, sin colgar. Hablamos como dos personas que se aprecian. Y me sentí orgullosa de cómo manejé la situación.

Luego, borré el evento real de mi mente y lo reemplacé con el ‘nuevo’.

Lo sentí en lo más profundo de mi corazón. Y después, solté todo. Por primera vez en el día, me sentí en paz mientras me quedaba dormida.

A la mañana siguiente, me desperté con un mensaje de él: Hey, ¿cómo van las cosas?

Sabía que esa era su forma de decir que todo estaba bien.

Todo está bien, le respondí, sonriendo de oreja a oreja.

No solo puedes cambiar eventos recientes…

Puedes volver atrás en el tiempo y reescribir historias viejas que aún duelen.

Ya sea un profesor que dañó tu confianza, un padre que te dijo algo que no quería, o alguien que te rompió el corazón…

REVISIÓN es una de las herramientas más poderosas que tenemos.

Dale 5 minutos antes de dormir. Convence a tu mente de que eso fue lo que realmente pasó…

Y luego deja que tu realidad lo siga.

Hazlo esta noche, y cambia lo incambiable.

Whispers of the wind – how to tap into its magic

“Did you feel THAT wind too?” my stepson asked.

“Yeah, I felt it. It was impossible to miss.”


What had we done? We’d conjured the wind and asked it to guide us through our walking meditation.

It all started more than a decade ago, when I first read the book The Alchemist.

Santiago, the shepherd, had to turn himself into the wind to save his life.
Long story short, he became one with the wind, manifested a powerful windstorm, and voila… he saved himself from the desert tribesmen’s death sentence.

For years, I was fascinated by that image.
What I really wanted to know was:
How the heck did he start a conversation with the wind?

Now, before you tell me it’s just fiction…
Coming from Paulo Coelho, who dedicated his life to the magical and mystical, it’s hard to say what’s fiction and what’s not in his books.

Then, I found another book that taught me a formula to connect with the wind:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”

It sounded too simple.
Skeptical, I said it:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”

Almost instantly, a soft breeze caressed my cheeks.
“Beginner’s luck,” I thought, smiling.

A few days later, I remembered and tried again:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”
This time, it was much more intense.

Little by little, the more I spoke to it, the more it responded.
I learned to dissolve into the wind.
I also learned that my cheeks loved when the wind showed up, and caressed them.

Next, I shared this with my stepson.
Before long, we were outside, ready to start our walking meditation.
“Let’s ask the wind to guide us through our meditation!” we conspired.

In just a few seconds, the wind started blowing. It felt incredible.
During that meditation, we walked like we were invincible.

It’s been a year since I started talking to the wind, and it’s been so much fun.

Now, I invite you to invite the wind into your life.
Let it whisper to you.
Let it teach you.
Let it guide you.
And when it shows up, caressing your cheeks, I trust you’ll feel invincible too.