“It’s not enough dad, it’s not enough!

What do you mean it’s not enough? I’m doing my part! I’m always thinking of what it would be like to win the lottery.”


My dad’s idea of manifesting is winning the lottery. And, kudos to him.

After all, it’s his projection. Anything is possible.

Every week, like clockwork:

  • He buys the ticket.

  • He checks if he’s won.

  • He hasn’t won (yet)

He’s got:

  1. The intention (he’s thinking about it frequently).

  2. The persistence (he’s in it every. single. week).

  3. The faith (he believes it’s coming).

Most self-help gurus would clap and say, “Bravo! That’s the formula: think + act!”

But here’s the missing link: emotion.

Because abundance isn’t just about thinking and acting.

🌱 Abundance is feeling abundant in all areas of your life. 

Abundance is generosity. 

Abundance is freedom.

Abundance is your identity.

Ultimately, money is an amplifier. 💡

It will only spot a light on the kind of person you truly are.

There are 2 questions you must ask yourself when it comes to manifesting abundance:

  1. Who do I need to become at my very core to own X amount of money?

  1. Do I feel WORTHY to have and spend that money?

Here’s what I want you to do:

Take less than 60 seconds to answer these questions.

Copy them into your notes app and write your answers—no overthinking, just raw truth.

🪞 It’s like holding a mirror inside your brain.

You will be surprised by what stares back.


To the type of honesty that moves mountains,

Sorina Phoenix


P.S. Oh, and by the way, I dyed my hair red. It’s a bold move, I know. It’s witchy, true, but after finishing a magic and witchcraft course, the inner witch in me was begging for it. I’m curious—what wild things have you been up to lately? Let me know!

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