“Did you feel THAT wind too?” my stepson asked.

“Yeah, I felt it. It was impossible to miss.”


What had we done? We’d conjured the wind and asked it to guide us through our walking meditation.

It all started more than a decade ago, when I first read the book The Alchemist.

Santiago, the shepherd, had to turn himself into the wind to save his life.
Long story short, he became one with the wind, manifested a powerful windstorm, and voila… he saved himself from the desert tribesmen’s death sentence.

For years, I was fascinated by that image.
What I really wanted to know was:
How the heck did he start a conversation with the wind?

Now, before you tell me it’s just fiction…
Coming from Paulo Coelho, who dedicated his life to the magical and mystical, it’s hard to say what’s fiction and what’s not in his books.

Then, I found another book that taught me a formula to connect with the wind:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”

It sounded too simple.
Skeptical, I said it:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”

Almost instantly, a soft breeze caressed my cheeks.
“Beginner’s luck,” I thought, smiling.

A few days later, I remembered and tried again:
“Wind, teach me everything I need to know.”
This time, it was much more intense.

Little by little, the more I spoke to it, the more it responded.
I learned to dissolve into the wind.
I also learned that my cheeks loved when the wind showed up, and caressed them.

Next, I shared this with my stepson.
Before long, we were outside, ready to start our walking meditation.
“Let’s ask the wind to guide us through our meditation!” we conspired.

In just a few seconds, the wind started blowing. It felt incredible.
During that meditation, we walked like we were invincible.

It’s been a year since I started talking to the wind, and it’s been so much fun.

Now, I invite you to invite the wind into your life.
Let it whisper to you.
Let it teach you.
Let it guide you.
And when it shows up, caressing your cheeks, I trust you’ll feel invincible too.

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