I’ve always been obsessed with magic. But for the longest time, it was like this secretive, “don’t-talk-about-it” thing. Total taboo.

After years of overthinking, I realized: I need a teacher.

And so, I ended up in a magic and witchcraft course.

And THANK GOD I did. Because not only did I learn a ton about magic (spoiler: it’s epic)… I learned a lot about myself.

But here’s the thing…

Magic? It’s actually WAY simpler than I thought.

It all boils down to two things:
Intention and Creativity.

Basically, magic is energy with a mission. It’s alchemy, baby. 🔮

And today is a BIG deal.

🌱 It’s the first of the month (hello, new beginnings!)

So, here’s your task:

Grab some cinnamon from your kitchen.

Put it in your hand. Go to your front door, stand outside, and blow that cinnamon toward your door. 💨

While you’re at it, invite abundance in—love, money, health.

You’ve got until midnight, Cinderella. Don’t miss this magical moment.


May all your wildest dreams (and your basic needs) be met,

Sorina Phoenix

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